If you think that only your products must look and perform incredibly, then my friend, you’re at fault. The packaging is as important as your product. No one is going to even look at your product if its packaging is awful, not even you!
Imagine yourself in a situation that your best buddy, Karl, is giving your favorite shirt to you as a gift. The gift wrap feels so rough and just, bad. Even the design looks hideous! What perception will you catch then? Of course, you’ll never think of getting any more gifts from Karl again. What about the bad image you just got from him? This is how noteworthy packaging is.
The same thing applies to your brand. If your products aren’t presented as beautifully as they should be, your customers are not going to be satisfied with your products. Pack your products in attractive packaging that appeals to your customers.
Your key objective is to get awareness of your brand and this is possible only when you present your brand well. This is why the presentation is the medium of branding. Do not ignore the packaging part because its the only thing that your onlookers see and judge through.
The most effective way to make captivating packaging boxes for your products is to customize them. Though, doing without knowing is only going to make things worse. This is why Dawn Printing is here to help! We will check up on 5 crazy secrets that will take your custom made boxes to a whole new level.
Make creative changes on your boxes
People are fond of everything that looks different or fun. You just need to think about why people would buy something that looks boring. Common we know you’re creative, show some art! Think of something that makes your boxes different because even a slight difference will make them stand out. Your boxes are your products as well. They represent your product and your brand as well. You have to take your boxes to a level that no one could paying you money for your products.
Remember, there are other brands that you have your competition with. The only reason why people will still prefer your brand is that your products have a contrary and delightful display. Try enhancing your tuck box’s function and looks by just adding a flap on its bottom. Or maybe a die-cut pattern will work just right.
Make sure to reflect your brand’s identity
Identity is the need for a brand. Say you are served with a Burger on a plate. How are you going to know if that burger is from McDonald’s? You simply can’t! Why? Because it wasn’t presented with its box but itself. The Burger will lose its identity and McDonald’s will lose the credit. The product itself cannot provide you enough information for you to recognize the product or the brand. This is why your product must be packed in a box which echos your brand’s image.
Make your products stand separate by providing them packaging boxes with your brand and product identity. You can’t miss your brand’s logo; this is the first-most thing that comes into mind. Next, choose colors in accordance with your brand’s color theme. Perhaps, give your product a different name and have it printed on your product boxes.
Style your boxes with the correct packaging stock
Ever faced a trashy box made out of a really inadequate material? When you take it in your hands, it feels like a cotton ball that even an infant can squish. And it doesn’t even have enough ability to hold the printed matter for a longer time. Such boxes are a waste of money because neither they look good nor they serve any favor for your products. Instead, they just make your brand look awful. So make certain that your boxes are made up of high-quality durable material.
Is your product delicate? No worries! You have the survival superhero; 3-ply corrugated stock ready for your product’s rescue. Do you want your box’s both sides printed? An art card is what you need. Want some luxury? Try solid colored linen cards. Dawn Printing has everything in stock for your requirements.
Carefully secure your products
A hundred of your products are being shipped from your location to your distributor in a shipping carton. They reach your retail shop and the store guy finds 10 items broken, 8 damaged and 33 of them fell off. Would you bear this much loss? It’s like half of your supplied goods got defected! Why did this happen? Because you had set your products free inside the boxes and didn’t secure them in their respective positions.
Inserts! Inserts are what your products need. They simply fit inside your box and are accurately cut according to the product’s dimensions to hold it in place. Or possibly just use bubble wrap for this. Securing your products has never been so easy, right?
Design impressive artwork
The quality of artwork calculates your brand’s potential. The better and creative it is, the better your brand value will be. Other than beautifying your boxes, your text and symbol placement must be concerned. Imagine a box with pointless logo placement e.g. in the corner of your box’s side panel. Does it make any sense? There’s no product name as well… Unacceptable!! If YOUR boxes don’t communicate to your customers clearly, other brands will.
Make beautiful designs that attract people. Properly align your text and try adding your logo and product name on the front panel of your boxes. If your boxes are printed in a straightforward manner, they’ll convey your identity better and bring more customers in interest.
Great! You’ve efficiently passed this course of secrets to make stunning looking custom boxes. Now is the time for you to get going and design your own custom boxes and get them printed by the renowned packaging company, Dawn Printing. Need some help? Recall us and our support team will take you on a ride to your brand’s good luck.